Red Alien-ware Theme for Nokia X2, C2-01 & 240×320

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Assalam alaikum friends, recently we tried to complete some requested themes which we made before for other devices. This is Red Alien-ware theme for Nokia X2, C2-01 & 240×320 devices. I have used dark icons in this theme and analog clock with digital clock and calender. This theme is in dark color combination and this theme is already online for Nokia Touch & Type devices. I hope you all will enjoy this theme,

Red-Alienware-X2-theme-by-hb (7056 downloads)
File size = 799 kb
Format = .nth

How to Download this Theme:

1. Right click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As”
2. Save the .nth file anywhere on your computer
3. Attach your phone with your computer
4. Transfer the .nth file to your phone by using ‘File Transfer’ option

If your download file is in .zip format then follow these steps;

1. Go to your Control Panel and click on Folder Options
2. Click on View (tab)
3. Un-check “Hide extensions for known file types”
4. Rename the file name with .nth (For Example, to abc.nth)

Feel free to comment or send us your feedback should you have any request regarding Themes. For more updates about ThemeReflex, subscribe to our Facebook Page, RSS Feed or follow us on Twitter.

Hasan Baloch is a student of Software Engineering. A creative designer and ground-breaking theme maker. If you want to know more about Hasan, follow him on Twitter

27 thoughts on “Red Alien-ware Theme for Nokia X2, C2-01 & 240×320


I wanted to please this same theme in blue!!??

jehansher khan

yar muje jk nam ki themes banke do plz asha 202 tuch and type

Waqas Ilyas

I don’t like this theme.
I loved this theme.
Please make for C1-01.


Hey make something like operating system or something robotic


Theme is good ! My phone is nokia x2.00 my phone have 4 view of menu single,list,grid,grid with details . When i put in single mode i can’t see the theme icons ! I can see only default icons . When i put in list or grid i can see the theme icons ! Why this is happening ?

    Hasan Baloch

    It is because we always used default icons for single menu


      can u pls change the default icon in single view menu ? In ur old themes were u started theme reflex every x2 theme have theme icons in single view menu ! Pls bring it back from next theme onwards !

        Hasan Baloch

        InhsaAllah now we will use Single icons again


          can u pls make a jesus christ theme ?


Hasan please i request you make Adept live theme for Nokia C1 plse hasan dont make any other theme.Dear hasan i like this theme so please u make tell me next u make this theme.

    Hasan Baloch

    Dear Rupal Adept Live theme will be online please be patience because it will take time


thank you very much. I’m so satisfied with my X2 so far because of themereflex. Please add an Arsenal theme for nokia X2. Thanks before

David Simpson

Hey there pal! What’s up??? Dude u r site is AWESOME, i really love ur site, i also wanna request 4 2 themes, 1st IORI YAGAMI theme and 2nd Kyo Kusanagi theme 4 my nokia asha 303 touch and type with media player skin. I know that u hav made iori n kyo theme togethr but i want 2 separate themes plz pal make them ASAP and write down my requests b/c i m not gonna request again. Ok pal? Best wishes Ur site love David Simpson. Reply

    Hasan Baloch

    David it will take time because there are many requests which are on pending


    This is a most known ‘comment’..isn’t it..!! one man with different name..with these 2 theme..i forgot those might be..hmmm..(zenith/Shanique Ahmed/Jenny/….)


Bhai wallpaper me logo put karne ka and wallpaper ko light karne ka tarika bata do plz

    Hasan Baloch

    logo ko wallpaper pr paste karen or uske baad opacity kam krlen.


Bro Please Gave Reply And Make Best
Friend’s Theme Like
Photos With Quotes For
X2-00 And Dont’ Forgot My
Previous Request(Wild Life
Hd) Before To My Birthday
On Sep1 (If It Is Not
Possible) (Or) Try To Make
It Fast

    Hasan Baloch

    We can’t give you a date because there are many pending themes


Bhaiya koi night mode ki theme bana do with low britness…please


I like theme reflex


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