Water Dots theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01

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Nokia C3 Themes

Dear readers, the rainy season is started in Balochistan and other parts of South Asia. So apply the [intlink id=”196″ type=”post”]Water[/intlink] Dots seasonal theme on your [intlink id=”182″ type=”category”]Nokia C3 & X2-01[/intlink] devices.

I have combine the [intlink id=”196″ type=”post”]iPhone[/intlink] style water dots and [intlink id=”250″ type=”post”]HTC[/intlink]style analog clock and digital clock with calendar on this theme. And the icon of this theme is looks so beautiful. I m not the original Author of icon, the original author of this icons is DryIcons a very huge free icon and vector graphic site.

Please send your comments and suggestions, and also share your ideas with us. And to keep updating yourself, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to the RSS feed, if you would like to be informed for the latest themes.

water-dots-theme-c3-by-zb (15115 downloads)
File size = 529 kb
Format = .nth

Icon by: DryIcons

Right Click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” Option. Save the .nth file on your computer Now you can transfer this file to your mobile phone using the file transfer option available in your mobile device.

If you file download in .zip format then follow the following step to rename it with .nth
Goto > Control Panel > Folder Options > View (tab) > un-check “Hide extensions for known file types” > click OK.
When you check the downloaded theme file it showing .zip, now rename it .nth. I hope this matter is easily worked.


Nokia X2-01 themes

Zayed Baloch is a user experience designer and web developer. Interested in mobile technologies, web apps and theme making. You can catch him up at Facebook. and Twitter

15 thoughts on “Water Dots theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01

Rainy Digital theme for Nokia 240×320 | Theme Reflex

[…] tsunami and earthquake, here is the little tsunami for you Nokia s40 240×320 devices. This is water dots style theme turn you mobile screen into rainy windows […]

BEN10 Live theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01 | Theme Reflex

[…] I have received many request for BEN10 theme with flash lite functions like battery and network indicator, I have not include the these both indicators but include sun and moon indicator with 12 hours digital clock. […]


Please make Eminem theme with same icons, htc clock and digital clock 24 hrs format.. Thank u.


Very Nice work sirji this theme was cool, can u make mortal kombat theme

    Zayed Baloch

    Thanks for comments, I will try to make MK theme.


Your themes are very nice, I have a lot of them.
But anolog watches must be a little smaller because shortcut bar or other bars comes over the watch.That makes an unplesant screen layout.
Thx anyway.


    PS: I know, I can make bars off, but I like to use them with every theme.

Hairul ulah Lah

Naruto and hokage…

Bharat sarda

If u make any other theme which contain digital clock, plz make 12 hrs clock format but not 24 hrs. Thanks for the nice theme. .

    Zayed Baloch

    Oh sorry once again, now next time where we make the digital we will try to make it in 12 hours format. 😉


mast he yaar


i need a theme on the video game characters of mortal kombat,please

Bharat sarda

What a sexy theme. . . Nice one ZB. . . :):)


Everyday u make themes for c3 user which is great but what about the other model user. Too much c3 themes is making this site bouring for the people who don’t use c3 handset.


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