Twilight theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01

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Nokia C3 X2-01 themes

Twilight theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01 with Analog Clock and Animation. Yes! animation, and this is my first animated theme for Nokia C3, previously I make the GTA-4 theme with animated wallpaper but I separate the main screen animation file, but on this theme I just make the video style frame animation like tickers. This brown color style theme also have special Twilight [intlink id=”171″ type=”post”]icons[/intlink].

Sayan Bakhshi is requested for this theme and he also sent me the Twilight wallpapers and some more wallpaper I search from internet. I hope Sayan and you like this theme. To keep updating yourself for new themes please subscribe the feed, you can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

twilight-c3-theme (10642 downloads)
File size = 1,306 kb
Format = .nth

Right Click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” Option. Save the .nth file on your computer Now you can transfer this file to your mobile phone using the file transfer option available in your mobile device.


Nokia C3 X2-01 themes

Zayed Baloch is a user experience designer and web developer. Interested in mobile technologies, web apps and theme making. You can catch him up at Facebook. and Twitter

12 thoughts on “Twilight theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i love this theme 🙁 what a shame that I could not download


Man since you do it .. I am charmed with your topics

Hasan Baloch

Nicw theme bro.
I like it! Keep the ball rolling.


thank you sir.. <3

Bharat sarda

Does it consume more battery power due to that video animation…?????

    Zayed Baloch

    As you know this is not video animation, its just video frame style animation, and this is not consume the battery. I hope you like this.

Sayan Bakshi

Awesome theme .. loved it bro 🙂 Thanks once again. take care :)) if possible make some more themes on new moon or eclipse :)) keep rocking .. :))


thank you.. Love it! Keep up the good work! X


Was planning to see the movie series this week. Awesome theme, your barwork as usual is top notch.

    Zayed Baloch

    I have lots of idea for themes but I don’t have time to implements my ideas. Last 4 days I m still working on World Cup Cricket 2011 theme with full interactive. Even I m not have much more times to upload my themes on 🙁


Ohh Thanks i just love it!


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