Intriguing things are happening lately with ‘Apple Watch’. Comex an enthusiast developer and former ‘Apple’ employee has found a loophole sort of hack to run a web browser in Apple’s watch OS. According to 9to5 Mac reports, in this particular video, Comex shows using Google’s homepage on ‘Apple Watch’. Looks a bit odd though, since […] …
‘Apple Watch’ is officially out today and despite what ‘Apple’ stated yesterday about its limited supplies and unavailability most of the users were able to get ‘Apple Watch’ and are now probably getting fascinated with its amazing features. It is known that ‘Apple’ has good smartphone ecosystem, best tablet ecosystem and now it also have […] …
Tomorrow is a very big day for ‘Apple’ as they announced to launch ‘Apple Watch’ which will not be like any other apple product launch. The customers are eagerly waiting for this mass evolutionary product. It is also reported that most of the developers who helped making apps for it will be using the ‘Apple […] …