‘Snapchat’ is taking small steps in improving its communication services. Back then in January ‘Snapchat’ unveiled its ‘Discover’ feature which ended up becoming a serious publishing platform. The problem is, a big part of online publishing is being able to share content with your friends, which ‘Discover’ doesn’t let you do till today. That’s probably why the company has introduced an update for the function ‘Discover’ that lets you share articles and videos straight from the portal to your friends.
Whenever you find something worth showing to other people, just press the screen and wait for the new tools to pop out. You can type a caption and/or write on the snapshot of the page with a digital marker, then you can send it out to pals you choose as you would any other “snap.” In addition to Discover’s new sharing function, you can now also take zoomed in videos by dragging your finger across the screen while recording.
Now you don’t always have to discover content yourself – your friends can do that for you. That said, Snapchat is still limiting itself by not allowing you share features on other social platforms like Facebook or WhatsApp, but it’s at least a step in the right direction.