Assalam Alaikum friends and good evening 🙂
Since long I didn’t make a theme in new style or non-abstract. Today I have tried my best and designed this theme which is not an abstract theme.
This is Rocket Npotoh Theme for Nokia X2-00, C2-01, X2-05, 2700 & 240×320 devices. I have used beautiful icons in this theme which I have used earlier in Big Balloon theme. This theme is in dark and light colors combination and I have used a beautiful wallpaper. In this theme I have used analog clock with calender and small live indicators. This theme will give different view at night, I hope you all will enjoy this theme.
Theme with Media Player Skins:
Rocket-Npotoh-X2-theme-by-hb (5342 downloads)
File size = 698 kb
Format = .nth
Theme without Media Player Skins:
Rocket-Npotoh-theme-X2-by-hb (1251 downloads)
File size = 417 kb
Format = .nth
How to Download this Theme:
1. Right click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As”
2. Save the .nth file anywhere on your computer
3. Attach your phone with your computer
4. Transfer the .nth file to your phone by using ‘File Transfer’ option
If your download file is in .zip format then follow these steps;
1. Go to your Control Panel and click on Folder Options
2. Click on View (tab)
3. Un-check “Hide extensions for known file types”
4. Rename the file name with .nth (For Example, to abc.nth)
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8 thoughts on “Rocket Npotoh Live Theme for Nokia X2-00, C2-01, X2-05, 2700 & 240×320”
Mon, Nov 12, 2012put this theme available for asha 303 please please please
Sun, Nov 11, 2012put this theme available for asha 303 please please please 🙂
Hasan Baloch
Mon, Nov 12, 2012Soon this theme will be online for all remaining devices.
Sat, Nov 10, 2012Hy hb,
zakasss theme …
but we are waiting for diwali theme, when you upload it ???
Hasan Baloch
Sat, Nov 10, 2012Diwali theme is already online please search it
Sat, Nov 10, 2012Hy hb
I can’t get it, pls give me downloading link
Hasan Baloch
Sat, Nov 10, 2012Download link is available at the bottom of introduction.
Sat, Nov 10, 2012very nice theme bro., but please upload the droid theme next time., this 1 is uniquely cool., thanks..