Red Orbs Live theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01

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Nokia C3 Themes

Another theme of  Live series for Nokia C3 and X2-01. Previously we online Red Orbs Clock for Nokia s40 240×320, and now this is the Red Orbs Live Theme for [intlink id=”182″ type=”category”]Nokia C3 / X2-01[/intlink].

Up coming days we are planning to make some live theme for C1-01 and 240×320 devices as well. Tonight Hasan Baloch finish the C1 theme, after success fully test we will online the C1-01 theme.

Please send your comments and suggestions, and also share your ideas with us. And to keep updating yourself, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to the RSS feed, if you would like to be informed for the latest themes.

Customized Icon
red-orbs-live-theme-icon-by-zb (11727 downloads)
File size = 469 kb
Format = .nth

Default Icon
red-orbs-live-theme-by-zb (3010 downloads)
File size = 364 kb
Format = .nth

Right Click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” Option. Save the .nth file on your computer Now you can transfer this file to your mobile phone using the file transfer option available in your mobile device.

If you file download in .zip format then follow the following step to rename it with .nth
Goto > Control Panel > Folder Options > View (tab) > un-check “Hide extensions for known file types” > click OK.
When you check the downloaded theme file it showing .zip, now rename it .nth. I hope this matter is easily worked.


Nokia Live Themes

Zayed Baloch is a user experience designer and web developer. Interested in mobile technologies, web apps and theme making. You can catch him up at Facebook. and Twitter

12 thoughts on “Red Orbs Live theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01

Red lights live theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01 | Theme Reflex

[…] I have made live theme in red color after long time. This is still same style and elements look like Dark Desire Live theme. But this […]


Hi guys!

I dont know if I’m the only one having problems with the font color specially when typing in the home screen and searching for contacts? The color is white, same as with the background so I cant see what characters have been entered. Did you change any settings on your phone? Or is it the settings with the theme itself?

I so love this theme that’s why I am finding out a way to change the font color! LOL Thanks Themereflex! 🙂

More power to you guys!


BEN10 Live theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01 | Theme Reflex

[…] series 40 devices, especially thanks to by elder brother Mr. Zayed Baloch who help me to make the live theme with moon and sun indicator. The Flash lite script of live theme is creating very confusion for […]

Windows 7 Live Theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01 | Theme Reflex

[…] ZooZoo we are release another live theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01. This live theme have same Aqua Flower Live theme elements e.g digital 12 hours and small analog […]


So great.I’m using very very theme in themereflex.I like all flash theme (same Android) with clock…
Thanks U so much!!!

    Zayed Baloch

    Thanks JayKnight for coming our website and using our themes.

Leopard Abstract Clock theme for Nokia C3 / X2-01 | Theme Reflex | Nokia C3 Themes, Nokia X2-01 Themes

[…] or Zebra style theme, and also our fans requested for superheroes themes, animated icon themes, media player skin theme etc. We will try our best to note all request and finish these requested theme as soon as […]


Create Themes Like This. Really Osum ! It Looks Like Elegant Blue and Focus Abstract Themes. I Love Those Themes <3

Harshul Kuhar

graffiti theme please…… It would be really good with android icons or default icons


Hi,sir please i request you can you make ironman or xmen themes with new icons.thank for the themes


This theme is RUBY of your theme coliection…n u r very gud themer…


Hi your themes are awesome man.but i request can you make themes with animated icons,or some theme of ironman.thankyou i salute you for these beautiful themes


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