Perfect Suit Theme for Nokia C3, X2-01 & Asha 200,201,302

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Today I made a different style theme which is in new look. Recently I online Galazy Inspired theme for Nokia Touch and Type devices, inshaAllah I will make Galaxy Inspired theme for all remaining devices.

By the way this is Perfect Suit theme for Nokia C3, X2-01 & Asha 200,201,302 devices. I used an analog on right side little bit inside of the pocket. The icons I have used in this theme also look like analog clock. This theme is in balck and white color combination. I named this theme “Perfect Suit “because the wallpaper I used is in perfect look. J I hope you all will enjoy this theme

With Media Player Skins:

Office-Time-C3-theme-by-hb (11456 downloads)
File size = 283 kb
Format = .nth

Without Media Player Skins:

Office-Time-theme-C3-by-hb (2075 downloads)
File size = 173 kb
Format = .nth

How to Download this Theme:

1. Right click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As”
2. Save the .nth file anywhere on your computer
3. Attach your phone with your computer
4. Transfer the .nth file to your phone by using ‘File Transfer’ option

If your download file is in .zip format then follow these steps;

1. Go to your Control Panel and click on Folder Options
2. Click on View (tab)
3. Un-check “Hide extensions for known file types”
4. Rename the file name with .nth (For Example, to abc.nth)

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Hasan Baloch is a student of Software Engineering. A creative designer and ground-breaking theme maker. If you want to know more about Hasan, follow him on Twitter

16 thoughts on “Perfect Suit Theme for Nokia C3, X2-01 & Asha 200,201,302

Waseem Shah

Assalam-o-alaikum… Bro very nice theme… I like ur work 🙂 kindly make this theme for Nokia C1-01 nd one more request kindly make theme with battery bar like iphone for Nokia 320×240 devices.. My device is Nokia C3-00. Thankyou


this is pretty please make a theme exactly like this for c1-01 please please


Hi… it’s very nice
can i edit this..???

Avijit Malakar

Sir aap kiya mujhko MAROOM SQAURE theme ka saat LUNA BLUE theme wala musicplayer software add karke de sakte hain.plz plz plz


I want this for my X3-02 so much TT_________________________________TT
Could you please make it?
Thank you soooo much 😀


i like it so much ! <3 thank you brther

hanan emad

🙂 nice themes can u make this 4 nokia c3-01 😉 thnxx


Dear hasan please i request you again make Luna blue live theme for C1 and u make Ramadan theme plse u add digital clock,calender and sun or moon indicator in homescreen plse i request you.


Lovely theme. Nice clock.
now i’m added this site as by homepage




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