Motion Strips live theme for Nokia X2 & C2-01

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X2 Live Themes

Yester I have announce to release HTC Sense theme for Nokia C2-01 and X2, then I decided to make something blue strips style theme with HTC style digital clock and weather icons, because many HTC Sense style theme already online. So this theme clock and style same as HTC Desire Live Theme.

Motion Strips live theme for [intlink id=”182″ type=”category”]Nokia C2-01 & X2[/intlink] with digital clock, calendar with full year and weather indicators to showing day and night status, this is not actual weather it just a fun. This live theme weather status is not using any GPRS or Internet connection and volumes; so don’t worry for you internet and GPRS packets.

I m already working on Grass Live theme for Nokia C2-01 and X2, maybe next few days I will online grass live theme. I hope you know about grass live theme previously I have made the theme for [intlink id=”182″ type=”category”]Nokia C3 & X2-01[/intlink].

Please send your comments and suggestions, and also share your ideas with us. And to keep updating yourself, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to the RSS feed, if you would like to be informed for the latest themes.

motion-strips-c2-01-x2-theme-by-zb (7002 downloads)
File size = 133 kb
Format = .nth

Right Click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” Option. Save the .nth file on your computer Now you can transfer this file to your mobile phone using the file transfer option available in your mobile device.

If you file download in .zip format then follow the following step to rename it with .nth
Goto > Control Panel > Folder Options > View (tab) > un-check “Hide extensions for known file types” > click OK.
When you check the downloaded theme file it showing .zip, now rename it .nth. I hope this matter is easily worked.
C2-01 Themes

Zayed Baloch is a user experience designer and web developer. Interested in mobile technologies, web apps and theme making. You can catch him up at Facebook. and Twitter

10 thoughts on “Motion Strips live theme for Nokia X2 & C2-01

Akhil Kumar

Zayed bhai i requested u to make a Batman theme for Nokia X2-00 where is it i thing u dont take my comments seriously

    Hasan Baloch

    Akhil Batman theme will be online after 3 or 4 days

mohd zuber

superbbbbbbbbbbbb bro


Hi, thanks for a great theme.
I would like to create of such theme too, and i would like to know what softwares (and where can i download them) have you used in creating this theme.

Thank you.


Want some great live theme 4 my X2-00 . Plz help me bro .

Syaifuddin Saleh


Hei, Mr.Zayed. About the media player issue, I found something in the past theme, when I extract the theme, the .nfl file for media player skin is copyright-protected, it cannot be opened in any Nokia device. I think that’s why it didn’t work. Perhaps you should use another .nfl file with no copyright-protected. Hope you can fix the issue. 🙂
Sorry if there’re many mistakes in my comment, my English is so poor. Best regards.


Excellent !! All perfect with nokia default icon. I love this theme. Thx. Now I’m waiting grass live theme for 240×320 screen. Do u use nokia default icon too ? Hopefully… Thx once again !


Tks. Keep on workin’.


That is awosum bro…. You aah make it beautiful…. I need sum new look wid technologically & scientific…. Here too many theme rr same just aa few chnge… Here ma fav Glass Live Theme…. U make it super bro… Thnkx bro… I need like datz… Mor


Excellent theme but can you made same like this just for Nokia C3? Greetings, you are the best!


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