Halloween theme for Nokia C1-01 & C2-00

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Here we are uploading another Halloween theme. As you all know Halloween is famous occasion all over the world, so after [intlink id=”705″ type=”category”]Nokia X2 & C2-01[/intlink] I am uploading Halloween theme for Nokia C1-01 & C2-00. I used previously Halloween icons in this theme and also same scary ringtone. As many users requested for same theme as like Nokia X2 & C2-01 so I used same colors combination in this theme. I hope you all will like theme.

Halloween (or Hallowe’en) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o’-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.

Please send your comments and suggestions, and also share your ideas with us. And to keep updating yourself, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to the RSS feed, if you would like to be informed for the latest themes.

halloween-c1-01-theme-by-hb (10755 downloads)
File size = 1,066 kb
Format = .nth

Right Click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” Option. Save the .nth file on your computer Now you can transfer this file to your mobile phone using the file transfer option available in your mobile device.

If your download file is .zip format then follow the following steps to rename it with .nth format

Goto > Control Panel > Folder Options > View (tab) > un-check “Hide extensions for known file types” > click OK.
When you check the downloaded theme file it showing .zip, now rename it .nth. I hope this matter is easily worked.

Hasan Baloch is a student of Software Engineering. A creative designer and ground-breaking theme maker. If you want to know more about Hasan, follow him on Twitter

15 thoughts on “Halloween theme for Nokia C1-01 & C2-00


Dude i have told you to make a theme for rapper eminem with a clock on fb themereflex page plz plz plz make it fast


please tell me, how to hide the default clock in nokia c1-01, you have a good theme . . .

    Hasan Baloch

    Goto SETTING —–> Time & date —-> Date & Time Format —-> Date —–> Date in Home Screen..
    Similarly in time


      Thanks Dude


I want to learn
how to make facebook i.d

Victor aminu

Please more nokia c1 should produce. You people are doing great job, keep it on.1luv.


Hi ur themes r fab. Plzz make Dr. Riddhima gupta frm serial dmg theme 4 c101


What happened my dhoni request hb when will u create this theme tell the date i am so egar about this theme kindly create this theme all dhoni fan like this theme

    Zayed Baloch

    HB working on it… Theme will be available as soon as possible.


Assalamu alikum bhai mere ku A alphabet ki theme huna ok plz im waiting 4u

althaf abdullah

Good theme . Sir please make wwe superstar cm punk’s theme my friends cm punk fans will be hoping for this.:-)


Instead of adding request No. 1001 to your list of noted requests today, I just wanna say a big thanks for creating this cool Halloween theme for C1-01, too. Icon set looks fab, especially the pirate icon. 🙂 Well-invested spare time of yours, much appreciated!


sir,thanks for u follow my comment….sir appko mai ak idia dena chata hoon..plz make a flash love theme..jis k wallpaper mai ak cartoon loving couple raha ga,aur massage jaha show karta hai usja right side mai ak analoge clock rahaga.aur uska colour combination hoga light white of black..aour oh dakhne mai lage jaisa wallpaper k upar flowt kar raha hai…aur menu icon animated ho…aur aak chis loading time us jaga me loading likha rahe…ah tha mera idea try ur best..


Nice theme sir, especially the ringtone…;-)


Bro pliz make JESUS CHRIST theme for c1-01


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