Aqua Waves theme for Nokia C3 & X2-01

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X2-01 themes

I am very excited to releasing the new style theme. What is new in this theme? I know this question is clicking on your mind, because you see as usual elements on theme home screen. Yes I am agreeing with you all elements are old and still theme is ?Aqua?.

This is another Aqua series theme, but this is not Udjo42 Aqua series. Udjo?s themes are so beautiful and stylish. I am not comparing my themes with Udjo?s high quality themes. However, this is Aqua Waves theme for [intlink id=”182″ type=”category”]Nokia C3 & X2-01[/intlink] with digital & analog clock and also included calendar in this theme.

The new style of this theme is that I am using different font style in digital clock and Hasan Baloch makes new symbian series icon specially for this theme. The digital clock is same as IDEOS Android style. I hope you like new style digital clock.

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aqua-waves-c3-themes-by-zb (9754 downloads)
File size = 409 kb
Format = .nth

Right Click on the Download button and select “Save Target As”? or “Save Link As”? Option. Save the .nth file on your computer Now you can transfer this file to your mobile phone using the file transfer option available in your mobile device.

If you file download in .zip format then follow the following step to rename it with .nth
Goto > Control Panel > Folder Options > View (tab) > un-check “Hide extensions for known file types”? > click OK.
When you check the downloaded theme file it showing .zip, now rename it .nth. I hope this matter is easily worked.


C3 themes

Zayed Baloch is a user experience designer and web developer. Interested in mobile technologies, web apps and theme making. You can catch him up at Facebook. and Twitter

One thought on “Aqua Waves theme for Nokia C3 & X2-01

Brown Waves theme for Nokia C3 & X2-01 | Theme Reflex

[…] is Brown Waves theme for Nokia C3-00 & X2-01 device. This is very simple, static, without flash lite elements theme. […]


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