Adroit Live theme for Nokia X3, X2-00, C2-01 & 240×320 (Updated)

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Hi Friends! Today we are introduced and welcome another Baloch in ThemeReflex. Hammal Baloch is a creative designer, he is Chicago based Web Designer and Developer and the owner of IT Maximus. Inshallah in coming day Hammal Baloch will be make more stylish and beautiful theme for Nokia Series 40.

However, today we are presenting another live theme for Nokia Series 40 with 240×320 screen resolution devices. This is Adroit Live theme for Nokia X3, X2-00, C2-01 and other 5th and 6th Edition Series 40 devices.

Earlier we are released the same Adroit Live theme for Nokia Asha 302, C3-00, X2-01 & 320×240 devices with the same weather, digital & analog and calendar flash lite elements, but in this theme we are changed the digital clock and calendar placement. Hope you like this theme and please let me know your opinion regarding our themes. Thanks;

Updated: Removed top bar and changed the operator and toper color, and also included the media player skins.

AdroitLive-x2-c2-00-theme-by-zb (9704 downloads)

How to Download this Theme:

1. Right click on the Download button and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As”
2. Save the .nth file anywhere on your computer
3. Attach your phone with your computer
4. Transfer the .nth file to your phone by using ‘File Transfer’ option

If your download file is in .zip format then follow these steps;

1. Go to your Control Panel and click on Folder Options
2. Click on View (tab)
3. Un-check “Hide extensions for known file types”
4. Rename the file name with .nth (For Example, to abc.nth)

Feel free to comment or send us your feedback should you have any request regarding Themes. For more updates about ThemeReflex, subscribe to our Facebook Page, RSS Feed or follow us on Twitter.

Zayed Baloch is a user experience designer and web developer. Interested in mobile technologies, web apps and theme making. You can catch him up at Facebook. and Twitter

38 thoughts on “Adroit Live theme for Nokia X3, X2-00, C2-01 & 240×320 (Updated)


Hello sir plz create a friendship day theme for nokia x2 mobile sir plz sir and happy friendship day sir plz plz.


Hasan why u no give me my answer i like this theme tomuch when u make this theme for C1 please u make this early i love it please tell me.


Dear Hasan i am also big fan of your Themereflex so please yeh theme Nokia C1 ke liye bana do please tell me aur please meri request hai aap themes jadli bana diya kare.


Hello sir, plz make this theme for me with original nokia asha series icons, plz do this, plz

siva thedazzler

Zayed sir plz update android themes for X2 and c2-01 and share the link to facebook thanks

    Hasan Baloch

    Which android theme? and search the theme which you want on


i am doing my duty…..
but Admins of M9 are too slow…i think…


dear h.b. I don’t understand why do you make this type of theme which have no media player skin….plz try some new design….Thankzz…

    Zayed Baloch

    Basically we add the media player skins on themes but unfortunately some times Carbide.ui is automatically removed the media player skins. Currently we are added the media player skins in this theme and also update theme.


Plzz… Sir Hasan post IPhone 5 theme for nokia C2-01 – X2

    Zayed Baloch

    I think many iPhone style themes are already available for C2-01 & X2 devices. Please search it online and let me know if you not found. Thanks


      Sir Zayed can u post hear link to download good iphone theme for C2-01 because i was not found any nice iphone theme , plz post


Operator is invisible..and other menu names in above when we shuffle menu..this is not a well suited theme..due to white screen and separator..


Please make a mac os x mountain lion original theme with music player for nokia c2-01


Great theme i ever see.thanks for that.i have a requaest for you.please make a nice iphone5 theme for nokia c2-01.pls pls pls sir.


Zayed please make this theme also for Nokia C1 your Nokia x2 themes are many Live themes so please u also make Nokia C1 devices please make live pending themes and also give me my answer for this questions good bye.

    Hasan Baloch

    We will make all pending themes but please be patience

Fan of hb & zb

Very very nicd theme.your all themes is good.plz plz plz pakistan cricket team animated theme soon.plz sir. Its humble request of all pakistani cricket fans

    Hasan Baloch

    InshaAllah soon we will make this theme but please mention your device


Dear ZB, I became big fan of you. Then plese create this theme for Nokia C1-01. (Plz…)


Theme is very good . But u forgot to add MP skin in this. Plz add nokia x2 default white skin and update it ASAP. Plz reply


I don’t like this.., because : 1. You changed the clock/calendar placement. C3’s much better. 2. No MPS. 3. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT IS…You NEVER use the separates line on top of the screen / status area in ALL your themes. BUT..You used it in this theme. So..this theme NOT FIX to every 240×320 screen. I hope..and PLEASE DON’T EVER USE THAT SEPARATES LINE (on top of the screen) AGAIN ! Back to usual style. Thank You.

barasiya hardik

Plz make this for C1-01.


nice theme zb
keep it up !!!


Please update this into media player skin


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